Oil & Gas
Onshore or offshore, domestic or international, we can help settle your oil and gas dispute. Whether you are a publicly-traded corporation, an independent producer, an individual, an operator or non-operator, a buyer or seller of oil and gas properties, a lender or borrower, or an oilfield services company, we have the real-world industry experience—in the trenches, on the front lines—that distinguishes us from the many jack-of-all-trades neutrals who pass themselves off as oil and gas mediators. Our background spans the full spectrum of upstream, midstream, and downstream disputes, including those involving:
Royalties and revenue interests
Joint operating agreements
Leases and assignments
Farm-out agreements
Exploration agreements
Preferential rights to purchase
Participation in areas of mutual interest
Asset purchases and sales
Oilfield service agreements
Oilfield equipment and pipeline failures
Accounting procedures
Prudent drilling and workover operations
Hydraulic fracturing
Pipeline condemnations and easements
Pipeline construction
Natural gas storage facilities
Employment and non-compete issues
Trade secrets theft and protection
Fiduciary duty claims
Secured and unsecured liens
Environmental and nuisance claims
Shale and non-conventional development
Bankruptcy and workouts

We are moving rapidly toward the integration of alternative energy with fossil fuels. This transition will only continue to accelerate in the years ahead, as investors, energy providers, and governments search for new and innovative ways to harness renewable energy sources. In this fluid, evolving environment—where the law is constantly adapting to shifting politics and technological advances—conflict is inevitable.
Our mediation practice embraces all aspects of the alternative energy sector, including:
Energy storage
Hydroelectric power
Geothermal energy
We can assist with the resolution of alternative energy disputes of all stripes, including those involving:
Financing and investment capital
Joint ventures
Acquisition of land
Conflicts with mineral and surface owners
Title problems
Easements and rights of way